Rujukan Woody Myers

  1. 1 2 3 4 Johnson, Dirk (January 20, 1990). "Man in the News: Woodrow Augustus Myers Jr.; A Commissioner Who Knows Strife". The New York Times. Dicapai pada August 7, 2019.
  2. 1 2 Kusmer, Ken (August 17, 1986). "Indiana's Controversial Health Chief : He's Ready to Shake Things Up". Los Angeles Times. Associated Press. Dicapai pada August 7, 2019.
  3. Neill, Michael (November 16, 1987). "Indiana's Health Chief Got Sick of Life in the Fat Lane, and He's Never Svelte Better". People. Dicapai pada August 8, 2019.
  4. Gerstenzang, James; Cimons, Marlene (July 24, 1987). "Reagan Names Panel to Chart Fight on AIDS". Los Angeles Times. Dicapai pada August 7, 2019.
  5. Boodman, Sara G. (October 8, 1987). "Top Officers of AIDS Panel Step Down Over Infighting". The Washington Post. Dicapai pada August 7, 2019.
  6. Lee, Felicia R. (May 29, 1991). "Amid Discord, Myers Quits as Health Commissioner". The New York Times. Dicapai pada August 7, 2019.
  7. Davies, Tom. "Democratic business exec enters 2020 Indiana governor's race". The Times of Northwest Indiana. Associated Press. Dicapai pada August 7, 2019.